Smart Controller 4 Series (DC)
Device Management: 1-4
Power Compatible: DC
Outside Dimensions: 10.5 x 10.7 x 3.4
Input Voltage: 11-28 Vdc
Max Input Current: 30 A per line
Max Output Power: 7.5A per relay
Operating Temp: -40°C to 75°C
Special Features: Open API, Mapping, Rebooting, Scheduling, Alarms, Power Readings, Proof of Performance, Maintenance Log, Intrusion Detection
Alarm Notifications: Loss of Power, Power Restore, Tamper, Bulb Outage, No Current/Power
Recommended for: Area Lighting, Billboard Illumination, Digital Displays, Shelter Ammenities, Field Lighting, Media Players, Modem/Routers